Surviving Mac OS X bash terminal with Midnight Commander (MC)

Yess, that is the way to get my mc back to mac!


As written here: you should install at least the Command Line Tools for Xcode ( if you not already have Xcode installed.


Abstract : Midnight Commander (MC) is one of the few tools I’m still using since I’ve been inducted into software engineering more than 10 years ago (for comparison I’ve changed 5 integrated development environments (IDE) ). MC is classified as “a visual file manager” but for me is something much more, it’s an engineering booster. In fact it’s my fist IDE (MCedit supports color highlighting for various programming languages). In short, MC is one of those few things that changes your world. That’s why I’m going to show you how you can painlessly integrate MC with Mac OS X bash terminal.

Goal : Configuring Midnight Commander under Mac OS X bash terminal

Acknowledgement : My gratitude goes to the open source community and especially to:
Miguel de Icaza – creator of Midnight Commander, Gnome, Mono, Gnumeric (and I guess other cool stuff)

Let’s get started!

Installation: I’m a huge fan…

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